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Biglietti per il Museo del Parmigiano Reggiano a Soragna
Do this because
- Discover the history and ancient culture of the King of Cheeses
- Follow the stages of cheese production and marketing
- Enjoy a more complete experience with the explanations of a private guide
Cosa aspettarsi
The history, the millenary culture and the gastronomic excellence of the King of Cheeses take shape through hundreds of objects and period images in an ancient "casello" used for centuries for the production of Parmigiano Reggiano.
In the Parmigiano Reggiano Museum you can relive the stages of milk transformation, the slow maturation of the cheese and its marketing, as well as discover the fundamental role of the Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium in safeguarding quality and the priceless joy of tasting.
By selecting the private visit option, you can be accompanied as individuals, families or small groups by the qualified staff of the Parmigiano Reggiano Museum for a visit lasting approximately 45 minutes.
Leggi tutto
$ 5