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Bolognese kookles in een unieke supermarkt
Do this because
- Learn how to prepare tortellini and 'tagliatelle alla bolognese'
- Visit a typical grocery store in Bologna city centre
- Taste wines from the Emilia Romagna region
Dit kun je verwachten
Join Daniele at his grocery store in Bologna to learn how to prepare typical Bolognese pasta dishes like tortellini and 'tagliatelle all bolognese' from scratch. You will also learn how the sauces and broths are prepared before sitting down for lunch together.
With a glass of wine in your hand, you'll be cooking up a real feast in the world's epicentre for good food, Bologna.
**MENU** Tortellini in brodo di cappone - tortellini (stuffed pasta) with capon broth, tagliatelle al ragù - fresh handmade pasta with ragù bolognese meat sauce, local wine.
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$ 100