Terracross-Tour über Land ab Punta Cana

TUI collection

Punta Cana, Dominikanische Republik

from 27 reviews
Kostenlose Stornierung
Sprache: Englisch , Italienisch
Mobiler Gutschein akzeptiert
Dauer:2 hours
Sofortige Bestätigung
Geführte Tour

Machen Sie dies, weil

Begeben Sie sich auf ein Terracross-Abenteuer durch die grüne dominikanische Landschaft
Probieren Sie lokale Produkte auf einer Co-op Bio-Ranch und besuchen Sie ein nachgebautes Taino-Dorf
Kühlen Sie sich nach Ihrem Offroad-Erlebnis in einer kristallklaren Cenote im Domitai-Höhlenpark ab
Kombinieren Sie den familienfreundlichen ATV-Spaß mit einem Einblick in die lokale Landwirtschaft
Kompetenter Guide mit unübertroffenem Wissen über die Dominikanische Republik und ihre Kultur

Was zu erwarten ist

Nutzen Sie diese fantastische Möglichkeit, die unberührte Landschaft der Dominikanischen Republik auf einer Terracross-Safari besser kennenzulernen. Sie fahren über kurvenreiche Feldwege durch üppige Plantagen bis hin zum berühmten Domitai-Höhlenpark und einem nachgebauten Taino-Dorf. Luis, einer unserer örtlichen Guides, sagt: "Wir sind der weltweit größte Produzent von biologischem, fair gehandeltem Kakao. Etwa die Hälfte unseres Kakaos wird zu der besten Schokolade verarbeitet, die man auf dem Markt findet. Traditionelle Kakaoprodukte auf einer dominikanischen Farm zu probieren ist also ein echter Genuss, auch wenn Sie keine Naschkatze sind."Der schlammige, hochoktanige Spaß beginnt mit einer rasanten Fahrt querfeldein zum Domitai-Höhlenpark und einem Bad in einer Cenote. Diese Höhlen mit kristallklarem Wasser sind perfekt für eine erfrischende Abkühlung. Da es sich um einen Privatbereich handelt, treffen Sie hier auf viel weniger Besucher und Verkäufer als in anderen Cenoten. Und Sie können obendrein noch einige lokale Spezialitäten wie Empanadas und Ananaswein probieren. Als Nächstes besuchen Sie ein nachgebautes Taino-Dorf, wo Ihnen eine Folkloreshow präsentiert wird. Die Taino waren ein indigener Volksstamm, der vor der Ankunft von Kolumbus auf der Insel lebte.Und Sie erfahren alles über den Anbau der für die örtliche Wirtschaft so wichtigen Produkte wie Kokosöl, Zuckerrohr, Kaffee und Schokolade sowie dem einzigartigen dominikanischen Schokoladentee. Während Ihres Besuchs können Sie einige dieser lokalen Produkte sowie das Nationalgetränk Mamajuana probieren. Alles in allem erhalten Sie auf dieser spannenden Terracross-Safari einen großartigen Einblick in die dominikanische Landschaft und die lokale Kultur.

Was ist enthalten

Terracross-Fahrzeug und Einweisung
Getränke und ein Snack

Was zu beachten ist

Terracross-Fahrer müssen mindestens 18 Jahre und Kinder in Begleitung mindestens 8 Jahre alt sein
Bitte bringen Sie Badesachen und Sonnenschutz mit
Dieser Ausflug eignet sich nicht für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Mobilität oder werdende Mütter




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Based on 27 reviews from verified customers
All ratings (27)


January 2025
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 43 years old


No instructions on how to drive the vehicle at all,the hand break didn't work at all. Good safety as regards to no over taking ect . Very rushed through the trip,too long in the gift shop at the beginning. We were taken for fruit in a cafe half way through which we didn't want,as that meant we missed most of the chocolate part of the trip. The cave swimming was amazing. The trip needs to be slowed down and cut out the gift shop in the morning, that can be an option afterwards.


December 2024
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 59 years old




December 2024
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 11 years old


As with all trips in the DR, the first item on the itinerary is a stop at the gift shop... Where you have to buy something to get a locker to leave your belongings in. What you're not told is you need a face mask, which they will sell you for $5. The buggys are a bit run down and a few broke down on the trip, but the off-road route was good and long. However the trip was spoiled when someone crashed into us from behind, hurting us both and the staff weren't concerned about us, just the buggys.

Alison and paul

December 2024
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 42 years old


Lovely afternoon with some great People. Well worth the money

Kimberley wilkin

October 2024
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 35 years old


More information giivn prior to booking. On the information when booking there was no mention of a cave swim or a tribal presentation. It said take bathing wear but other than that very little info. More info and photos would entice more people to book

Karen, Surrey UK

October 2024
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as With family - 34 years old


Great experience. The buggy was such good fun and very easy to drive. Loved the cave swim too. Was a bit pushy to buy from the shop and the photos were very expensive but overall we enjoyed the trip and would recommend


September 2024
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 10 years old


This was a really fun day, you get to see a local town and the countryside which is great, would recommend!


May 2024
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 37 years old



Primrose drew

April 2024
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 14 years old




November 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 37 years old


The caves we enjoyed having a swim and driving the jeeps


August 2023
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 46 years old


This was a well organised and enjoyable trip that we both enjoyed. Staff were amazing and attentive throughout.


July 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as With friends - 9 years old


Was very fun and enjoyable and would definitely do it again!


July 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 10 years old



Chris Beechey

July 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as With family - 55 years old


We had a good day. I would like to see a reminder to take your own eye protection (sun glasses/swimming goggles).

Terri Gilbert

June 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as With friends - 42 years old


Great fun, would of liked it to be a bit muddier


June 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 32 years old


The buggy driving and cave swimming was brilliant, disappointed that the excusion said drinks and snacks. Got 1 bottle of water but no food/snacks. Would still highly recommended this trip


May 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 25 years old


Trip was very well organised from pick up, arrival to the park and drop off. Was a fun experience, time to swim in the cave, watch a traditional dance and learn how they make some of their local products. Buggy’s was fun, brakes dubious and be warned, you get very dirty. Overall thoroughly enjoyed the experience


February 2023
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 27 years old


It was a gentle cruise. Enjoyed the ride and the trip to the cave but felt a bit rushed there, missed most of the presentation by the time we got out of water. Overall very pleasant experience but $70 for the photos was a ripoff


October 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as With friends - 13 years old


The trail was nice The Taino village was great as well as the cave swim It's a shame Macao Beach and visiting a typical Dominican house is no longer on the trip. Those were extras in the TUI collection which made it stand out. The gift shop also doesn't have prices displayed on the products which I feel takes away from the Trusted part as different people may be charged different prices


October 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 16 years old


Buggy driving was fantastic, if a little dusty at times! (though that is expected). The tour around the caves and plantation were great and made the trip that bit special. Worth noting that (in our case anyway) you don't drive the buggies back, you hop back into the bus back to HQ. I suspect this is because there is plenty of alcohol available during the tour! Overall I would definitely recommend, one of the best excursions we did.


July 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 14 years old


Very fun and value for money!


May 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as With family - 33 years old


Was very upset when we paid £80 each and was told it was an exclusive Tui excursion as there were lots of people there who paid £53 for the same excursion some tui and some not!


May 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 22 years old


The buggies were great. The amount of time in them was great. The size of our group was great. The other buggy traffic was horrendous. The only other negative was it was pretty rushed at times. But with all we had to do in the limited time it was sort of to be expected. All in, it was a trip I would do again


April 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 29 years old


The actual buggy trip experience was excellent, the guide was awesome and having a smaller group with the extra money as more personalised. The buggy photographer was amazing and well worth the money but be careful of changing price quoted. The really bad bit of the trip was the transport to and from. We were picked up on time in a minibus, went to another hotel where we waited for over 40 minutes with no explanation and then when we left he drove like a maniac as he was late and was on his phone constantly. When we finished our trip he never turned back up to pick us up. We tried taking to the staff but were ignored as we were not Spanish or American and we only got sorted after over an hour of constant asking. We were put back on one of the trips buses and made to go all over the place until we were dropped back 1 hour and 40 minutes later for a 35 minute trip. We were going to book other trips but due to the stresses and anxiety caused we will now not which is a shame.


March 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 41 years old


We had a fantastic experience, were treated like VIP 's and Juan Carlos was a great guide, took lots of pictures and there was no rush where ever we went. The service was very efficient picked up on time by Hector and then called at a few other hotels before going to the buggy park. We then had a talk and a look round the shop and then off we went, we went to the park where we went swimming in the caves which were beautiful and then to a show which was fun and then a talk on produce of the domican republic then off to a snack with pineapple wine and then off on more dirt tracks and ended up at the beach where we had a swim and then a walk back to the buggy where a drink and snack were provided and then more driving back to the buggy park. We have a great time and would recommend anyone to do this.

Car man

March 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 46 years old


Our guide on this trip was MATHIAS AMOS and it ended up being just us and him, he made the trip very interesting explaining the local vegetation, being very patient when we went for swim, and made driving experience brilliant, great terrain....very muddy! Only downside was the constant selling tactics for coffee, tobacco, rum etc


December 2021
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 10 years old


Enjoyed the driving of the buggy, not too exciting but nice and chilled apart from the beggars chasing you down on the side of the road. The first cave paintings were very pretty and illuminated. Cave swim was very good! Beach trip was beautiful. Problem is that the guides rushed everything so quick and didn’t make much effort with the customers. Made you feel like they were rushed through the tour. Also the coffee plantation talk was rushed and felt like just a sales talk and didn’t feel like I would be purchasing from an authentic local farm shop. I think overall a 6/10

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