Sian Ka'an Reservat Tour mit Bootsfahrt

Besonders sehenswert

Cancún, Mexiko

from 31 reviews
Kostenlose Stornierung
Sprache: Englisch , Italienisch
Mobiler Gutschein akzeptiert
Dauer:2 hours
Sofortige Bestätigung
Geführte Tour

Machen Sie dies, weil

Erleben Sie eine Fahrt durch die Mangroven auf einer Bootssafari
Entdecken Sie Krokodile und Vögel, die in der Gegend leben
Genießen Sie ein Mittagsbuffet in einem Fischerdorf
Schnorcheln Sie in einem geschützten Korallenriff
Ortskundiger Tourguide mit unübertroffener Kenntnis von Sian Ka'an

Was zu erwarten ist

Die alten Maya nannten es „Wo der Himmel beginnt“ - und Sian Ka'an hat definitiv einen Hauch von Himmel. Mit seinen Mangroven, Korallenriffen, Wildtieren und archäologischen Stätten ist es sowohl UNESCO-Weltnaturerbe als auch Biosphärenreservat - ein seltenes Doppel, das es in die Champions League der Naturparks bringt. Manon, eine unserer ortskundigen Tourguides, sagt: „Ich kam zum ersten Mal als Besucherin aus der Normandie nach Sian Ka'an und verliebte mich sofort in die Gegend - jetzt arbeite ich in diesem Paradies. Ich komme jeden Tag hierher und habe nie zweimal die gleiche Erfahrung gemacht.“ Das Abenteuer beginnt in dem Moment, in dem Sie das Boot betreten, um die dichten Mangroven zu erkunden. Während Sie durch das Reservat fahren, werden Sie von Flora und Fauna umgeben sein - über 300 Arten sind hier zu Hause, darunter Vögel, Krokodile und Delfine. Während das Boot dahintreibt, wird Ihr Tourguide Sie auf einzigartige Pflanzenarten hinweisen, die in diesem Feuchtgebiet gedeihen, und Ihnen ihre wichtige Rolle bei der Aufrechterhaltung des ökologischen Gleichgewichts erläutern. Anschließend fahren Sie hinaus in die Karibik, um an einem der am besten erhaltenen Riffe der Gegend zu schnorcheln. Zudem werfen Sie den Anker an einem flachen Sandstrand mit Ebbe und kristallklarem Wasser, der hier als La Piscina bekannt ist. Der Nachmittag steht dann ganz im Zeichen der Entspannung. Sie fahren nach Punta Allen, einem kleinen Maya-Fischerdorf, wo Sie einheimische Gerichte probieren können, bevor Sie sich zurücklehnen und entspannen können. Ein idyllischer Abschluss eines Tages inmitten der atemberaubenden Naturlandschaft von Cancun.

Was ist enthalten

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Was zu beachten ist

Bringen Sie Badesachen und biologisch abbaubare Sonnencreme mit, da keine anderen Sonnenschutzmittel erlaubt sind. Sollten Sie keine abbaubare Sonnencreme haben, dann packen Sie eine Kopfbedeckung und ein langärmeliges T-Shirt ein
Diese Tour führt Sie in ein sehr abgelegenes Gebiet, daher raten wir allen Gästen, die an einer Krankheit leiden und/oder besondere medizinische Bedürfnisse benötigen, sehr sorgfältig darüber nachzudenken, diese Tour zu buchen
Es können Einschränkungen in Bezug auf Größe, Gewicht und/oder Alter gelten
Kopfbedeckung mitbringen
Nicht geeignet für werdende Mütter oder Gäste mit Rückenproblemen
Abhängig von den Wetterverhältnissen
Nicht geeignet für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Mobilität
Nicht geeignet für Familien mit kleinen Kindern
Bargeld für Extras oder Trinkgelder
Biologisch abbaubares Insektenschutzmittel mitbringen
Handtuch mitbringen




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Based on 32 reviews from verified customers
All ratings (31)

Adele Powell

January 2025
From Großbritannien
Traveled as With family - 41 years old


Loves this tour been before and it was brilliant my only 1 gripe is that you need a better vehicle going to the 10km drive, it was bumpy but it took a hour and smashed ********** out of our backs. Warning to other people it was a long hard journey, the pain today is excruciating from a vehicle that is not suitable or equipped for 10km drive. 4x4 would be more suitable and safe aswell.


March 2024
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as With family - 11 years old


Amazing experience. Definitely recommend. Alex the guide was very good.He gave us a lit of facts about the place, wildlife, culture and the country. Definitely worth every penny.


December 2023
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 28 years old


Wolf from Blue Caribe was knowledgeable and personable. He made the trip for us. An absolute asset.


December 2023
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple


Dolorice our guide was amazing made the clay even more special. Everyone was so kind and helpful, saw loads of wild life, beautiful scenery and food. Just the best day ever


December 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as With family - 36 years old


Great experience seeing wildlife, obviously this can be unpredictable but Fernado did his best to ensure we saw as many wild animals and birds as possible. Snorkelling great and the swimming stop excellent. Lunch in Punte Allen was one of the best we had whilst in Mexico.


November 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 18 years old


Like: we saw a lot of animals, food was good, staff was friendly. We were unlucky with weather so we couldn't do snorkling. Didn't like: being the only two English speakers and missing on questions and tours information. I would have have love to have more informations about Sian Kaan: like when did it become UNESCO, wild life living there etc. It would have been nice to see more of mangroove tributaries.

Joanne Grocock

November 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as With family - 40 years old


Prompt pick up. Long day but worth it. Fernando (1) the guide was with us constantly, knowledgeable about everything! Couldn't have been better. Speedboats were a fab experience and the river dolphins & sea turtles put on a great show in their natural habitat. Lunch was ok. 11 on the minibus and all friends by the end of the day. Fernando (2) got us back to the hotel safetly. Fabulous day

Rob Mac

November 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 42 years old


The journey took one and a half hours from our hotel, the roads from Tulum onwards were very bumpy. At the final stop there were no toilet facilities whatsoever, beyond a jungle toilet. The boat rides were good and we saw crocodiles, dolphins, turtles and many birds. Snorkelling and swimming was very pleasant.. It is not a cheap experience but it is enjoyable. Wear open sandals and put your mosquito spray and sun tan lotion on well in advance.


October 2023
From Großbritannien
Traveled as Alone - 34 years old


I don't think this trip sells itself from the write up. Its a lot of money - nearly £200. But it is not made very clear what will happen on the trip. The guides were amazing and nothing was too much bother and will do what they can for you to see dolphins, turtles, crocodile etc. This place is heaven for nature lovers. For me, it was worth £200. Its a long day, about 12 hrs total. Mostly in the boat. But its one of the most beautiful places to visit.


July 2023
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 10 years old


This was a fantastic trip out. The guides went the extra mile to make sure we sure as many animals as possible. The snorkelling was great and views were amazing. There really wasn’t anything we didn’t enjoy.


July 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 38 years old


Fab day great guide brilliant to see dolphins turtles bird life in their own habitat

Chris H

June 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 38 years old


It cost £175 for a Premium Economy seat from Edinburgh to Mexico. It cost £165 for 40 miles in a minibus and a 50 mile boat trip, some cheap grub and a brilliant guide. Had TUI not charged such ridiculous prices then we might have done another trip…. No justification at all, we think the entry ticket was $104, so approx $95 paid by 10 people, $950 dollars for what amounted to a bus trip, boat trip, pay for 6 people and equipment. THE GUIDE WAS GREAT


May 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 45 years old


Superb trip to end our holiday saw crocodiles, turtles, dolphins and some excellent bird life. The guide Roberto was very good with great local knowledge. However the minibus was in very poor condition compared to others. The lunch very basic even by Mexica/Mayan standards.

Gemma davis

May 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 11 years old


Our guide Debbie was very knowledgeable and friendly. Seeing the dolphins & turtles in their natural habitat beats any zoo/enclosure! This is the second time we have done this experience & would definately do it again. Buffet lunch was amazing!


March 2023
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 17 years old


It’s a little expensive and the term “Mayan village tour” is a little misleading as it was simply a walk from A to B to get to the boats back to the starting point, which happened to be through a small fishing village but there was little to see so I wouldn’t really advertise it as a selling point. Guide Roald was very knowledgeable and driver got us there and back safely. Great team on the boats who had a lot of patience and made sure we saw all the animals: dolphins, turtles, and a crocodile!


October 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple


The whole experience was fantastic, but, it needs to be looked at! From pick up from the hotel to a toilet facility was around 5 hours!! Not good for women and children! Told the nearest toilet was the big green toilet! Meaning somewhere in the mangroves. Otherwise everything else is good.

Charlie Smith

October 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 13 years old


This trip was the stuff of dreams. We had a fantastic guide in Pepe from Blue Caribe; he was so knowledgable about the biosphere and Mexican biodiversity. We managed to see sooo many wonderful animals and made memories of a life time. The dirt track on the way down is (of course) extremely bumpy so I do think a warning should be put on Tui site when booking as one of our group suffered with back pain. Overall absolutely incredible- once in lifetime experience that we can’t stop talking about.


August 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as With family - 39 years old


Fabulous opportunity to see a conservation area. We saw dolphins, turtle and a crocodile. Not quite the unique experience with so many boats but that's to be expected. Journey takes a long time and the roads aren't great. Lunch was nice but the facilities to shower, change and toilet are also mexico standard!


August 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as With family - 33 years old


The trip was awesome, we got to see; dolphins, sea turtles, crocodiles and tropical birds. The location for the meal was lovely. The road to the area was pretty bumpy, prepare yourself! It was lovely to be away from everything commercial in Mexico, only a few other boats. My only negative was that it was really expensive.


June 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as With family - 30 years old


Guide was nice but very functional. Only told us what we are doing rather than anything about the environment or what we are seeing. Transport was very dangerous. Almost in a serious accident with the driver losing concentration and hitting a speed bump at high speed causing cuts and bruises to those in the back row as the minibus wheels left the ground.

Mrs pope

June 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 13 years old


Guide was very informative and helpful. Lots of snacks and drinks provided through the day which was good as had an early start so missed breakfast. Got to see lots of animals in their natural habitat which was incredible. So worth the journey to get there. Would definitely recommend


May 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as With friends


The guides, seeing all the wildlife and how the day was planned.

Martin H

May 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 33 years old


Nothing we didn't enjoy, amazing place to see wildlife naturally, can't fault it and a special shout out to our guide Pepe, the experience wouldn't have been the same without him.


May 2022
From Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 15 years old


Het waren twee boottochten. Een boottocht was door de mangrovebossen heen, waarbij je zo hard vaarde, dat je van de omgeving niet veel kon zien. We zijn heel even gestopt, bij een broedplaats van 2 verschillende vogels, waarna we weer hard doorvaarde. Bij de tweede boottocht gingen we de open zee op, opzoek naar dolfijnen en schildpadden. Wij hebben beide dieren gezien, maar van een grote afstand. Daarna hebben we kort gesnorkeld bij een koraalrif, wat eigenlijk voor het grootste gedeelte al kapot/vergaan is. Als laatste hebben we kort gezwommen bij een stuk strand. Als laatste nog heel belangrijk, in de omschrijving staat dat je je mag insmeren met biologisch afbreekbaar zonnenbrand, maar dit mag absoluut niet. Zorg dus dat als je deze excursie gaat doen, je een t-shirt meehebt voor het zwemmen en op de boot.

V from Manchester

April 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 28 years old


Great trip, loved the amount of time spent on boats. Saw dolphins and a turtle. Really nice to see the unspoilt beauty. Free time at lunch was too long as not much to do, but I think that was to do with water levels and the boats having to take different route back


March 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 27 years old


Had a great day seeing turtles and dolphins and also visited a small community of Punta Allen where we had a tasty lunch. Excellent guide


March 2022
From Dänemark
Traveled as With family - 43 years old




February 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 21 years old


The trip itself was excellent as were the staff and guide. The guide was knowledgeable and friendly as were all of the fishermen and drivers. However the duration of the trip was not as advertised which had an adverse effect on the whole experience. The advertised duration was 8 hours however the trip itself was over 13hours most of which was picking up and dropping off other guests. If we had known this we would not have booked it. I would encourage that this is changed on the app and website to honestly reflect what the trip will actually entail.


January 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 45 years old


I enjoyed the boat trip and looking around the little fishing village.. The food was awful and the drive along a very bumpy road going and coming back was horrendous 40 minutes of being thrown around.


January 2022
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 46 years old




December 2021
From Großbritannien
Traveled as As a couple - 26 years old


The range of activities for the day was excellent. We loved the speedboat through the mangroves and all the wildlife we saw. We also really enjoyed seeing a normal Mexican village and the food was lovely. The day was spoilt from being excellent for us by a couple of things. Firstly, the “beach stop” needs to be called something else as we were looking forward to relaxing on a beach for a bit and instead we had the option to swim in shallow water a way from the beach. This seemed rather pointless when we’d just been snorkelling and also was not what we had expected. Secondly, the snorkelling was horrible down to the guide. Once we were in the water instead of being able to relax and enjoy the snorkelling she took us on a swim one way and then back at such a pace that it felt more like an enforced March and didn’t give us any time to enjoy it. My partner is not the strongest of swimmers so I was more worried about him being left behind as I struggled to keep up with the pace. There was also a Spanish lady with the group who had been left behind and so I waited to make sure she was ok. It turned out she had been hit in the head by a flipper and was struggling but Olga was nowhere in sight. I stayed with her to make sure she got back to the group ok. I hate to think what could have happened if it had been worse or I had not waited. When back on the boat she told Olga what had happened she didn’t seem overly bothered and at no point later on in the day checked if she was ok. This event spoilt my whole enjoyment of the rest of the day and turned what should have been a 5* day out into something a lot less.


November 2021
From Großbritannien


Good trip, shame weather wasn’t better, rep was excellent.

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