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Visit to Tenuta Bossi dei Marchesi Gondi with 3 wine tastings
Do this because
- Escape the city and get charmed by the Chianti Ruffina territory
- Discover a 25 generations wine producing tradition
- Taste the 3 signature wines of Marchesi Gondi guided by an expert sommelier
Visit Tenuta Bossi dei Marchesi Gondi, one of the oldest Florentine families, and its historic wine cellar, that have been storing wines for over 5 centuries.
Tenuta Bossi is surrounded by the charming Chianti Ruffina countryside; during the tour you will discover the tradition of this Tuscan territory, that intertwined with a 25-generations history of wine producers.
You will also have the time to taste the 3 main wines of the estate, accompanied by an expert sommelier that will tell everything about their different characters.
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$ 19