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Tour Munich in a Inception of the Nazi Movement Exploration Game
Do this because
- Hear about as you pass the Old Town Hall, Hofgarten, Hofbräuhaus and other lesser-known places
- Enjoy an engaging story and fun game
- See the site of forbidden art
- Find out more about Hitler's megalomaniac plans to rebuild the city into a “Führerstadt”
Picture yourself back to the stories of Munich’s historic places from the war by following clues and solving puzzles on your mobile which lead to curious places.
Königsplatz is where you'll discover what the engaging exploration game has to say. Reenacting the role of Henrick Nilsen, a spy sent to Munich to find out information about Hitler.
Solve challenges, so the story unfolds and exact directions on your phone will guide you to the next location until the Old Town Hall.
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$ 11