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Stardust Variety Show in Protaras
Do this because
- Experience a one-of-a-kind entertainment variety show
- See Stardust, the only comedy variety drag show in Cyprus
- Be dazzled by the experienced and talented cast
- Escape daily life and have a stress-free night
Visit the one and only comedy variety drag show to hit Cyprus. Stardust is an evening full of laughter, music and comedy sketches you will love and recognize from popular movies and TV shows.
The cast have years of experience and have dazzled audiences from all over the globe, sharing their love and passion of entertaining. The aim is that you leave the trials and tribulations of daily life at the door and allow you to let your hair down and enjoy an evening of great entertainment. The show is designed with one key element in mind… laughter!
You may choose of the following options:
- Option 1: Stardust Gold, including two-course dinner and drinks
- Option 2: Stardust Silver, including one course dinner and drinks
- Option 3: Stardust, including one course dinner (drinks not included)
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$ 45