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Silent disco adventure in Cardiff
Do this because
- Sing, dance, and cheer your way through the amazing and iconic city of Cardiff
- Engage in a truly fun and unique experience
- Learn easy to follow dance moves
- Sing as loud as you like to classics
Are you ready for the most awesome, fun inspire, laughter fuelled, funk generating hour of your life? Join this five-star, award-winning, touring experience for a “sight-singing” extravaganza through the iconic streets of Cardiff.
Your groove infused guides and the hysterical hyper hosts will have you singing like you do in the shower, dancing like you do at home, and having the laugh of a lifetime! Wear the hi-tech headphones and be transported through the decades of funk and disco, with some very well known tunes. From banging old school hits to the chart-toppers of today, make the city of Cardiff your own personal dance-floor.
Start your Silent Adventure with an introduction from your host to get your disco moves limbered up. Then set off on your Silent Adventure to serenade Cardiff and show the city something it has definitely never been seen or heard before.
This musical adventure is nothing short of epic! Cardiff is your stage now and it's time to dance!
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$ 22