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Self-guided grand tour of Schönbrunn Palace
Do this because
- Visit the magnificent Schönbrunn Palace
- Admire the famous Rococo décor
- Explore the forty staterooms
- Imagine life during the imperial age
Follow a self-guided grand tour of Schönbrunn Palace. Admire forty rooms to listen to forty fascinating stories from three centuries.
Admire the luxurious character of the rooms and spot the notable chinoiserie and East Asian decorations and furnishings. See the Blue Chinese Salon and Vieux-Laque Room turned into a memorial room following the death of Emperor Franz Stephan.
Visit the Porcelain Room, the Feketin Room, named by Maria Theresa. Admire the rosewood paneling in the Millions Room and the Brussels tapestries in the Gobelin Salon.
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$ 48