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Savannah slavery walking and bus tour
Do this because
- Enjoy a mix between bus and walking tour
- Meet 'Sistah Patt' Master Gullah Geechee Truth-Teller
- See the Cluskey Vaults up close
- Discover the heartbreaking stories of the slaves' lives
Enjoy an interesting tour to discover the journey from Savannah's slavery past to the freedom with Savannah’s own Master Gullah Geechee Truth-Teller ‘Sistah Patt’.
Start with a 60-minute guided walking tour along River Street, Factor's Walk, Bay Street, and Johnson Square. Learn about the history of the West African tribes that were routed to Savannah and used in slave labor to build the warehouses along River Street.
Visit the places where cotton was shipped out to the United Kingdom and storage that look similar to 'slave holding bins'. Stand where slaves were auctioned off in Johnson Square. Hear about the incredible journey to freedom as you board a bus and travel past the Second African Baptist Church.
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$ 59