
Round-trip transportation from Queenstown to Coronet Peak

Продолжительность Flexible
Do this because
  • Take full advantage of this top-notch transportation service
  • Enjoy your day in the snow without worries
  • Admire the stunning beauty of Coronet Peak and its surroundings in elegance and comfort.

If you are a ski enthusiast and want to explore Coronet Peak, take advantage of this first-rate round-trip shuttle service to get you directly to the ski field while enjoying the scenic beauty in elegance and comfort!

The service is available twice daily: 8 am round-trip with 3 pm return, or 9.30 am round-trip with 4.30 pm return. On Wednesdays and Fridays, an evening ski transfer is also available, departing at 3 pm and returning at 8.45 pm.

Coronet Peak's 2023 ski season runs from June to October, with a scheduled closing date of September 24. Don't miss the opportunity to travel conveniently, without worrying about parking or traffic!

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$ 39

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