
Private transfer from or to Sharm El Sheikh Airport within Nuweiba and Taba hotels

Продолжительность Flexible
Do this because
  • Know exactly how much it costs even before leaving home!
  • Get your ride straight away and you’ll be on the beach within minutes
  • Travel safely with professional drivers and a variety of vehicles to suit your needs

Travel safely in a vehicle in the best conditions through booking your transfer from or to Sharm El Sheikh International Airport within your hotel location in Nuweiba and Taba hotels. You won't have to travel with other passengers or get bored of several hotel stops, so you can Enjoy every minute of your holiday.

Upon your arrival to Egypt, the representative of the local operator will be waiting for you in the arrivals terminal with a welcome sign with your name and will take you in the selected car directly to your destination, the vehicle will be available only for you, your family or your group, without having to share it with other people. Similarly, we can take you on a private transfer back to Sharm El Sheikh International Airport at the end of your stay. Please remember to provide your date and flight details of arrival or departure while the reservation process.

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$ 36

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