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Palazzo dei Normanni and Cappella Palatina guided tour
Do this because
- Explore the stunning Palazzo dei Normanni and learn about its history
- Marvel at the Arab-Norman-Byzantine style in this architectural masterpiece
- Admire the beautiful Cappella Palatina
Immerse yourself in the captivating history of Palermo with a guided tour of the Palazzo dei Normanni and its magnificent Cappella Palatina.
Discover the fascinating history of the Palazzo, also known as the Royal Palace of Palermo (and now home of the Sicilian Parliament): built in the 9th century during Islamic rule and renovated by the Normans in 1072, it is the oldest royal residence in Europe, and offers a glimpse into the reigns of various dynasties. As you ascend to the second floor, prepare to be captivated by the true gem of the tour, the Cappella Palatina, or Palatine Chapel. While lesser-known compared to Rome's Sistine Chapel or Milan's Santa Maria delle Grazie, this chapel is one of Italy's most spectacular treasures. Constructed in 1140, it showcases the fusion of Western and Middle Eastern cultures, offering a visual feast of traditional Islamic designs, Byzantine mosaics, and golden decorations.
Your tickets not only grant you access to the palace and chapel but also allow you to explore the charming gardens with your expert guide.
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$ 84