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Lust and Vice guided tour of the Reeperbahn in Hamburg
Do this because
- Experience the Reeperbahn, Herbertstraße and Große Freiheit
- Discover famous pubs and party strongholds in Hamburg
- Toast with a Kiez cult drink and schnapps
Discover the legendary Reeperbahn on a guided tour on the theme of lust and vice.
If you travel to Hamburg, you should spend at least one evening on the legendary Reeperbahn. This Reeperbahn tour will take you from Millerntorplatz to Große Freiheit, past St. Pauli's theater, musical and party mile, and the street strip with the famous Herbertstraße. On the way, see cult pubs like the "Ritze" and learn what makes the Reeperbahn the most sinful mile in the world, how it came to be, and where you can best go party today.
Halfway there, you'll make a short break and you can enjoy a real Kiez cult drink. Start a journey into a world that does not exist a second time. Experience an unforgettable evening on the Reeperbahn with a local guide who has exciting information and tips for you.
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$ 27