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Kayak tour of Stockholm’s Nobel Lights in winter
Do this because
- Enjoy the Nobel Week Lights installations from the water on the kayak
- Paddle through the quiet and peaceful winter waterways of Stockholm
- Stop at a scenic location and enjoy a coffee break and hearty lunch
- Get some insights into local customs, history, culture and lifestyle
Don't miss the chance to experience the special light installments of the Nobel Festival in Stockholm from a kayak. Join a local guide for a winter city paddle in the capital of Scandinavia.
During autumn and winter in Stockholm, when the water is cold but not frozen and busy with ice skaters, the waterways are left quiet and peaceful which is just perfect for an invigorating paddle.
There's nothing quite like having the waterways in the Venice of the North to yourself! Stop at a scenic location and enjoy a hearty lunch or fika whilst looking out over the beautiful Stockholm skyline.
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$ 130