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Giant organ concert at St. Stephen’s Cathedral
Do this because
- Enjoy a concert on the giant organ at St. Stephen's Cathedral, the landmark of Vienna
- Embark on a musical journey in the breathtaking Gothic ambience of the Cathedral
- Admire a virtuoso performance by renowned organists
- Marvel at the massive organ that dominates the beautiful cathedral
Listen to a concert on the new giant organ at St. Stephen's Cathedral, the landmark of Vienna, where already W. A. Mozart and J. Haydn were active.
Mighty sounds from more than 12,000 pipes fill one of the most beautiful churches in the world on one of the biggest organ units of Europe. In the organ concerts, world-class organists play a wide-ranging program from Bach over Reger to gems of organ music. The new console is centrally located in the nave, so you can watch the organists play the five manuals with masterful virtuosity.
Be enchanted by the breathtaking atmosphere of the Cathedral while classical music surrounds you. A unique sound experience awaits you!
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$ 17