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Fischer von Erlach’s Mews stables to MuseumsQuartier guided tour
Do this because
- Follow in the footsteps of the MuseumsQuartier Wien during the Baroque period
- Get to know the architect Fischer von Erlach and his court stables
- Find out more about the noble Lippizaner and Kladruber horse breeds
- Discover the architectural influence of Franz Joseph I and Sisi
This tour will give you a new perspective on the former city of horses.
The famous baroque architect Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach designed today's MuseumsQuartier as imperial stables for around 600 horses and 200 carriages.
Following in the footsteps of the noble Lippizaner and Kladruber horses, you'll have an interesting overview of horses and horsemanship in the Baroque period, carriage transportation and courtly life and work, while also discover the development of an architectural jewel over the course of 300 years.
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$ 11