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Exploring Pamukkale and Hierapolis ruins group tour from Denizli
Do this because
- Visit Karahayit, the famous rust-red hot mineral water and other hot springs
- Enjoy a 2-hour Pamukkale Natural Park discovery walk
- Explore the Hierapolis ancient city north of the ruins
- Accompanied by a professional expeirenced guided tour
Start with 45-min Karahayit its rust-red hot mineral water and kept getting well-known with its other hot water springs. Spend 2-hour at Pamukkale Natural Park and walk to the white cliffs of Pamukkale to enjoy the hot waters on the cliffs. Head to the north gate of Hierapolis and have an hour to explore this mighty antique city. See the Necropolis, Bath and Basilica, Frontinius Gate, Frontinius Street, Latrina, Northern Byzantine Gate, Fountain of the Tritons and the Temple of Apollon.
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$ 62