
Explore Fatima with interactive guide, map and more

Продолжительность Flexible
Do this because
  • Learn about the monument dedicated to the sacred heart of Jesus
  • Improve your knowledge of the Chapel of the Apparition and more
  • You'll become so familiar with the city that it'll start to feel like home

Would you like to self-guide in an interactive way to discover Fatima? If so, this tour is for you.

Feel the peace and faith of Fátima as you're immersed in one of the most important world sites for pilgrimage. Hear and see why it's known as the Altar of the World, plus where the Catholic Church has officially recognized the appearance of the Virgin Mary.

Listen to fascinating stories whilst exploring the area your own way. Look up at the facades of monuments such as the Chapel of the Apparitions, the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, the Church of the Most Holy Trinity, and more.

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$ 50

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