
Quake – Lisbon Earthquake Museum tickets

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Do this because
  • Live the 1755 Lisbon earthquake as if you were there - but in a safe way
  • Walk through the streets of the old Lisbon and learn about seismic activity
  • Immerse yourself into the earthquake thanks to the Quake simulator

Over 265 years ago, something happened that changed Lisbon forever. In 1755, a devastating earthquake rippled the city and destroyed almost every building. As if it was not enough, a tsunami followed shortly after to wash whatever was left after the tragedy.

The Lisbon's Earthquake Museum is an invitation to discover the city that was lost in one of the most terrible earthquakes of modern times. In this immersive experience, you'll walk through the streets of 1755 Lisbon until the day when everything changed. Quake is a journey to re-visit the wonders and horrors of that era and watch the drama unfold in front of your eyes.

Thanks to a scientific and historical perspective, you'll learn about seismic activity, its effects in Lisbon, and also about the social leaders and villains that played a key role during the recovery of Lisbon. You'll also live the earthquake in the Quake simulator, a room built with the latest technology to provide a shaky, yet safe experience.

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$ 25

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