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Dolphins and whales watching experience in Portugal
Do this because
- See the dolphins close by in their natural envoirement
- Enjoy time with your family and friends
- Have fun on a speed rigid inflated boat
Enjoy open Atlantic waters in a speed rigid inflated boat (RIB). Several species of dolphins can be spotted in this magnificent coast. If you are lucky, you can admire Regal bottlenose (popularized by the movie Flipper), common Atlantic dolphin, Striped dolphins, Risso's, Porpoises, and even orcas!
It's an amazing family trip, where all of you will have fun, and a chance to see at close distance this wild animals.
Watching dolphins from RIB it's always a magical experience compared with bigger boats, because you're closer to the water. The rate of success of spotting any kind of animals is of 95%.
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$ 39