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Chianti wine tour, the 5 nuances of Tuscan red
Do this because
- Visit one of the oldest Florentine families and their historic wine cellar
- Discover the history and tradition of the Chianti Rufina countryside
- Immerse yourself in the excellence of Chianti Rufina's red wines, with a tasting journey of 5 unique wines
On this tour you'll get the unique chance to visit Tenuta Bossi dei Marchesi Gondi, one of the oldest Florentine families, who have been storing wine in wooden barrels for over 5 centuries below the Tenuta Bossi Villa.
In the Chianti Rufina countryside you'll visit, the historic wine cellar and have a glimpse of the History and tradition that have been intertwined with this territory for 25 generations of wine producers.
You'll enjoy a totally immersive tour and experience the excellence of the red wines of the small territory of Chianti Rufina. The tasting of 5 wines is a journey into the ancient tradition of Tuscan wines that mixes with the innovation of skillful vignerons, creating wines with unique characters. You'll discover the strength of Sangiovese in Chianti Rufina and its long-lasting power in 2 Reserves, closing with the indomitable charm of free-style wines and two Super Tuscans.
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