
City Sightseeing hop-on hop-off bus tour of Cordoba

Продолжительность Flexible
Do this because
  • Commentaries in 10 languages, plus an audio guide for kids! Learn about Cordoba's history & culture
  • 24 hr Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour with 360º panoramic views of Cordoba's top sights
  • Join 2 free tours and see the city from a different perspective

Explore your favorite Cordoba attractions at your own pace and learn the most interesting information as you drive by. Take the Blue Line for a trip back in time and visit some of Cordoba's treasures. Get off at the Baths of the Caliphates or the Mosque and learn about the city's Arab heritage. The Red Line will take you to attractions such as Mercado Victoria, a traditional Spanish market where you can sample Cordoba's finest food. You can also join 2 guided tours to see the city from a different perspective!

Córdoba Panorámica (Red Route): Panorámica del Río; Jardín Botánico - Zoológico; Ciudad de los Niños; San Basilio; Puerta de Almodóvar; Mercado de la Victoria; Gran Capitán; Estación de trenes/autobuses; Palacio de la Merced - Diputación; Malmuerta - Santa Marina; Plaza Corazón de María; San Lorenzo; Realejo - San Andrés; Ayuntamiento - Templo Romano; Arco del Portillo; Puente Romano; Baños Califales - Alcázar.

Córdoba Intima (Blue Route): Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos; Mezquita - Catedral; San Pedro; Realejo - San Andrés; Palacio de Viana; Palacio de la Merced - Diputación; Ayuntamiento - Templo Romano; Plaza de las Tendillas; Arco del Portillo; Panorámica del Río.

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$ 24

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