
City rally in Würzburg “In the footsteps of an imperial knight”

Продолжительность Flexible
Do this because
  • Participate in an exciting city rally through historic Würzburg
  • Put yourself in the time of the Peasants' War
  • Solve riddles and combine correctly
  • Warn the imperial knight Florian Geyer from his persecutors

Embark on an exciting city rally through historic Würzburg! Put yourself in the time of the Peasants' War and warn the imperial knight Florian Geyer from his persecutors.

1525: The Peasants' War is raging in Würzburg, the citizens of the city are rebelling against the prince bishop and his power. They finally no longer want to be oppressed by the nobles and the church, but demand "human rights". Exactly at this time, you live in Würzburg and also want to take action against the authorities, but you know that official action is far too dangerous. Fortunately, there is Florian Geyer. He is considered a leader with diplomatic skills and you absolutely need him to be able to do anything at all against the prince-bishop.

Unfortunately, something happens today that you did not expect: Florian Geyer is in danger. Warn him and help him!

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$ 16

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