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Self-guided audio tour to discover the secrets of Parc de Montjuïc
Do this because
- Experience Parc de Montjuïc with your-own self-guided audio tour
- Enjoy the panorama of Barcelona and see the Olympic Stadium
- Breathe in the fresh air of the botanic gardens of the park
The Parc de Montjuïc holds a lot of secrets that are waiting to be discovered. With this tour, you'll explore different gems hidden in the park while you listen to the story of its creation and the most significant events that took place there.
Marvel at the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc, constructed almost 100 years ago for the Barcelona International Exposition. Feel like a true architect examining the enormous Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya with its Italian-style features. Then, find the Barcelona Pavilion, an icon of modern architecture known for the extraordinary use of extravagant materials. Get up close with the Montjuïc Communications Tower – a giant sundial and an art piece partially covered with Gaudí's famous mosaics. Finally, take a stroll around an almost-100-years-old Olympic Stadium and learn its fascinating story.
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$ 16