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Cal Gerrer – Marilyn Museum entry ticket
Do this because
- Explore the permanent and temporary exhibitions linked to art and history
- Enjoy the artistic work of the Cabanas-Alibau brothers and a collection of objects related to Marilyn Monroe
- Take the panoramic views of the Sant Cugat monastery and the town from the museum viewpoint
The Casa Museu - Cal Gerrer is an old ceramics factory converted into a museum space, with a highly original modernist-inspired façade. It has four exhibitions, three of them permanent: the history of the factory, which dates back to the mid-s. XIX; the life and work of the artist brothers Cabanas-Alibau; and a private collection of objects related to Marilyn Monroe that is unique in Europe. In addition, from its viewpoint it offers the best views of the Sant Cugat Monastery.
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$ 7