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River Cruises Collection: Schonnbrunn Palace
Do this because
- Guided tour around Schonbrunn Palace and Gardens.
- Part of our River Cruises Collection - A handpicked line-up of highly rated shore experiences, especially for our river cruise customers.
- All experiences in our River Cruises Collection include pick up from the ship, by an experienced local guide, who will give you all the need-to-know information about the places you visit.
- Large bags aren't permitted inside.
Dit kun je verwachten
There are palaces and then there’s Schonbrunn. This place was the main summer residence of the Habsburg kings and queens – who ruled over Austria from the 13th to 20th centuries. And it’s as opulent as they come. Today, you can see how the other half live on a guided tour of the Baroque palace and its equally as impressive gardens. There are a whopping 1,441 rooms in total – of which, 40 are open to the public. This includes the private apartments of former Emperor of Austria Franz Josef and his wife, Elisabeth. Outside, you’ll be shown around the French-style formal gardens, which are flush with fountains, mock Roman ruins and ornate pergolas. After your tour, you’ll get some free time to explore this UNESCO World Heritage Site, before it’s time to board the bus back to the ship.
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$ 60