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PortAventura park 1-day tickets
Do this because
- A perfect experience for the whole family especially, to unleash children's imagination
- Organize your adventure in the park however you like
- Return home with wonderful photos of an unforgettable day
Dit kun je verwachten
Are you ready to enter a world of celebration, endless fun, and surprises? If so, then PortAventura Park is a must to visit! The park reopens again on April 8th to celebrate Easter Season.
Feel your excitement, and that of your family and friends, increase as you approach the park and hear the music. Just as the park itself originated in the Mediterranean, you will be welcomed into the park via the Mediterranean-themed area. From here, you can take a trip to the beautiful Polynesian Islands, to a colorful and animated Mexico, to an exotic China, or the rough and tumble Far West. In addition, there is a special Sesame Street Adventure park for the little ones.
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$ 48