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Mauritius Sugar World and Botanical Garden tour
Do this because
- Go to Cap-Malheureux, a small village in the far north
- Enjoy a traditional lunch at l'Aventure du Sucre, home of an authentic Sugar Factory
- Visit Blue Penny Museum and Port Louis market
Dit kun je verwachten
Start with a pickup from your hotel, you'll go to Cap-Malheureux, a small village in the far north. On your way, you will pass by the Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens, home to 500 rare exotic plants like giant water lilies and the Talipot Palm.
Then, enjoy a traditional lunch at l'Aventure du Sucre, home of an authentic Sugar Factory, where you can later explore the history of sugarcane on the island. The trip continues to the Blue Penny Museum and ends at Port Louis market for you to mingle with the locals
Finally, once the tour is over you will be dropped off at your hotel.
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$ 119