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Maltese wine & Chocolate pairing workshop
Do this because
- Learn a new skill and eat the final product!
- Enjoy a fun yet educational activity
- Visit the Malta Chocolate Factory
Dit kun je verwachten
Indulge in a delectable journey through the enchanting flavors of Malta with this Maltese Wine and Chocolate Pairing!
Discover the perfect harmony between four exceptional Maltese wines, including the vibrant Gellewza and the refreshing Girgentina, expertly paired with five handmade chocolates.
Embark on a taste adventure as you try each sip of these locally crafted wines, which showcase the unique terroir of Malta's sun-kissed vineyards. The Gellewza, with its rich fruity notes, dances on your palate, while the Girgentina's zesty citrus undertones transport you to the Mediterranean coast.
But the magic truly happens when these exquisite wines meet artisanal chocolates. Let your taste buds be amazed as the velvety chocolate perfectly complements the fruity flavors of the Gellewza, creating an explosion of indulgence. Experience a symphony of taste with the creamy white chocolate, accentuating the delicate nuances of the Girgentina's floral bouquet.
Whether you're a wine aficionado or a chocolate enthusiast, this experience promises to enchant your senses. Immerse yourself in a sensory symphony that marries the best of Malta's winemaking heritage with the artistry of our handmade chocolates. Unleash your taste buds and embark on a journey that celebrates the magic of flavor combinations, all while having an unforgettable, fun-filled experience.
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$ 27