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Kairouan-rondleiding vanuit Sousse en Monastir
Do this because
- Discover the main sights of Kairouan with an expert guide
- Admire the Barber's Mosque, the oldest religious building in the Muslim West
- Enjoy the magnificent imposing walls and monumental gates
Dit kun je verwachten
This tour offers you the opportunity to explore Kairouan and feel the Muslim world in a differently Islamic city which is one of the oldest and most renowned holy cities. You'll enjoy the magnificent imposing walls and monumental gates.
The Barber's Mosque, known as the Mausoleum of Sidi Sahab, is the oldest religious building in the Muslim West. It is very remarkable by its Islamic architecture; the wonderful shrine of the barber the main companion of the prophet adorned with smart tiles where traditional ceremonies are still celebrated and stop to take pictures of the water pools and reservoirs that were used to supply the city.
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$ 38