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Essaouira-rondleiding vanuit Agadir
Do this because
- Discover the UNESCO, former Portuguese, city
- Visit top sites and hidden ones too such as the charming Medina and the Grand Mosque
- Learn fascinating facts from the guided tour of the ramparts of the Kasbah
Dit kun je verwachten
Get to know the distinctive history, culture, and heritage of Essaouira - all in one day from Agadir. Visit top sites (and hidden ones too): The charming Medina of Essaouira, the Moroccan - Portuguese style of the Grand Mosque, terraces, cafes, souks, and more.
Feel relaxed but excited as you're collected from your hotel and travel to Essaouira. Once there, you'll have free time to visit the souk, which is located inside the Medina. Then, learn fascinating facts from the guided tour of the ramparts of the Kasbah.
You'll also explore the ramparts of the Scala, the port of Essaouira, the municipal market, plus the neighborhood jewelers and craft complex. Don't forget to squeeze in a quick visit to the powdery-sand beaches to complete the day.
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$ 55