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Chefchaouen and Akchour Waterfalls Instagram tour from Tangier
Do this because
- Unieke ervaring - zeker iets om over naar huis te schrijven
- Verken het platteland en laat je verrassen door het prachtige landschap
- Maak het thuisfront jaloers met de beste fotomomenten
Dit kun je verwachten
Take the pictures of a lifetime in the Blue Pearl, Chefchaouen. Find the best spots with the help of a guide. Explore Akchour National Park and discover the famous God's bridge. Enjoy included hotel pickup and drop-off in Tangier.
Begin your tour with pickup at your hotel or riad in Tangier. Drive with your guide to the Grand Taxi Station in Chechaouen. From there, take a further 40-minute drive to Akchour National Park for a short hike to the God’s Bridge. Savor a traditional lunch in Akchour before returning to Chefchaouen.In the afternoon, delight in a guided visit of Chefchaouen’s old town. Marvel at its famous narrow streets and stairs painted in a unique blue. Visit the most beautiful places in the city with your guide to take the best pictures for your Instagram. At 5 PM, return to Tangier and get dropped off at your riad or hotel.
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$ 267