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R.C. Collection: Bavarian Boat Cruise, Beer & Baroque Town Tour
Do this because
- Enjoy a relaxing hours cruise along the River Inn.
- Sample a locally produced beer, and pretzel.
- Guided tour around the town of Scharding.
- Part of our River Cruises Collection - A handpicked line-up of highly rated shore experiences, especially for our river cruise customers.
- All experiences in our River Cruises Collection include pick up from the ship, by an experienced local guide, who will give you all the need-to-know information about the places you visit.
Dit kun je verwachten
You’ll sightsee by boat and bus on this outing, with traditional beer and pretzels in between. You’ll start by boarding a transfer to the town of Neuhaus, where a Bavarian wooden barge will be waiting to take you along the River Inn. This stretch of water acts as the German-Austrian border, so you’ll drift between the two depending which side of the river you’re on. En route, you can take in the local wildlife and views of four castles, plus doughy pretzels and beers will be dished out onboard, before you head back to shore. A bus will take you south from here to the town of Scharding, where a guide will lead you around the Baroque-inspired old quarter. The pick of the sights is the main square, where you’ll see pastel-coloured buildings, a statue-centred fountain and cafés on the cobbles.
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$ 83