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Tour of the Fugger and Welser Museum about trade, money and power
Do this because
- Embark on a journey back in time to the era of the Fuggers and Welsers
- Get to know how Augsburg became a trading and economic metropolis
- Learn more about the most important Augsburg merchant families of the late 15th and 16th centuries
Dit kun je verwachten
Embark on a journey back in time to the era of the Fuggers and Welsers during this guided tour of the museum.
Why did Augsburg develop into one of the most important European trade and economic metropolises from the beginning of the modern age until the Renaissance? What business made the Fuggers and Welsers the most powerful merchants in the then known world? Their business extended as far as Asia, Africa and South America. Augsburg trading companies profited from the emerging colonialism - even the buildings of an Elias Holl would have been unthinkable without their profits.
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$ 13