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De parel van Wakan Village
Do this because
- Visit Nakhal, a pretty old town surrounded by oasis and mountains
- Take the direction to the remote village of Wakan, set inside Wadi Mistal
- Perfect for those who love panoramic tours
Dit kun je verwachten
Your private guide will meet you at your hotel/selected location at 8.30 am, then your journey will start. The first stop will be in Nakhal, a pretty old town surrounded by oasis and mountains. In its historical center is located a majestic Fort built during the 17th Century. Its structure can be considered a unique example of military architecture because the Fort has been built incorporating the rocky cliff inside of the multiple layers of the fort. The battlements of the upper terrace offer stunning views on the valley. The location of this construction was accurately selected, with the rocky mountain on the backside as protection and at its feet an abundant source of water, which irrigates extensive date palm plantations. The area is indeed rich in plantations with different types of crops. The narrow road through the town winds up to the Hot Springs of Ayn Al Thowwarah, which is a popular picnic spot.
After spending some time at Nakhal you will take the direction to the remote village of Wakan, set inside Wadi Mistal. The panoramic road between high mountains will end in a short white trail, perfect for a soft off-road with the 4x4. At a mountain edge and 2000 meters above the sea level, you’ll reach Wakan village, which is facing the valley created by the Wadi. This green village consists of many terraces of farms that stretch throughout the mountain. Among the many types of fruits that are planted - like pomegranates, grapes, and figs. Wakan Village is particularly famous for the peach trees and the blossom of their pink flowers during the month of April. A long staircase will conduct you between the crops and you’ll find several panoramic points perfect for some photos. After exploring this beauty, with the relaxing sound of running water through the falaj canals, you’ll return back to Muscat.
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$ 370