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Zakynthian evening: dinner with wine and entertainment
Do this because
- Termina la giornata in bellezza con una cena deliziosa
- Niente mezze misure... Dai il meglio in pista
- Lasciati trasportare dalla musica di una band dal vivo
Cosa aspettarsi
Get ready for a night of fantastic ambiance, laughter, and delicious Greek delights. Join Popolaros Taverna, a beloved local hotspot in Zakynthos, where you'll experience an unforgettable journey back in time. As the clock approaches 20:00, the evening comes alive with live Greek music, captivating Greek dancers, and an entertaining glimpse into Zakynthian wedding traditions of yesteryears.
Step into a setting that transports you to a traditional village square, complete with authentic street-name signs, charming lamp-posts, a cozy balcony, and a magical "night sky ceiling." The Popolaros Taverna offers an atmosphere you won't soon forget. Savor excellent Greek food and wine, all while being immersed in the lively spirit of the night.
In the late evening, bid farewell to this wonderful experience, rejoining your coach for a comfortable ride back to your resorts.
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$ 50