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River Cruises Collection: Walking Tour of Koblenz
Do this because
- Take a guided stroll through the heart of Koblenz.
- Part of our River Cruises Collection - A handpicked line-up of highly rated shore experiences, especially for our river cruise customers.
- All experiences in our River Cruises Collection include pick up from the ship, by an experienced local guide, who will give you all the need-to-know information about the places you visit.
Cosa aspettarsi
This trip’s like a show reel of Koblenz’s best bits, and takes you from waterfront spots to the charming old town. The Deutsches Eck, or German Corner, looks like the prow of a ship, and marks the point where the Rhine and Moselle rivers meet. Look to the opposite bank from here, and you’ll spy the mighty Ehrenbreitstein Fortress perched on a hilltop overlooking the city. You’ll see the café culture in full swing around the old town’s squares. The architecture’s pretty impressive, too, with buildings like the Liebfrauenkirche Church, the city hall and St Castor Basilica on show.
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$ 15