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Venice off the beaten path 2-hour private tour
Do this because
- Discover the hidden side of Venice on a private tour
- Visit the Jewish Quarter in Sestiere di Cannaregio
- Learn about the city's artistic treasures
- End the tour at the Church of the Madonna dell'Orto
Cosa aspettarsi
With this private guided tour, you can discover the hidden Venice and see what everyday life in this city looks like. You'll visit Sestiere di Cannaregio – the most populated area of Venice and one of the most authentic parts of the city, a cradle of art and architecture.
You'll visit the famous Jewish Quarter, which still characterizes an entire area of the Sestiere di Cannaregio. The heart of this area is undoubtedly Campo del Ghetto Nuovo, which you'll access passing on a magnificent cast-iron bridge surrounded by two symmetrical red-brick sentry boxes, a symbol and reminder of forced isolation and surveillance.
Your tour will continue in Campo del Ghetto Vecchio. Crossing Campo dei Mori, from a narrow space enclosed by tall buildings suddenly you'll find yourself in front of the imposing Church of the Madonna dell'Orto, accessed by crossing a simple stone bridge. Contemplate the view as the Church is revealed in all its bulk and red mantle.
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$ 111