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Tugboat and blue room snorkel tour Caribbean experience
Do this because
- Discover the best of the island in a way you have never seen before
- Snorkel at the sunken Tugboat, one of the most famous spots in Curaçao
- Explore the famous Blue Room cave shining bright blue when the sun hits the water
Cosa aspettarsi
Discover Curaçao as you cruise around the southwest coast of the island. Stop at the most stunning places on Curaçao's coastline and discover the world hidden underwater with a mask, snorkel and fins.
You will leave from Caracas Bay at the Fisherman’s Harbor. Snorkel at one of the most famous spots in Curaçao, the sunken Tugboat! Next, you will head toward the west coast of the island and visit Playa Porto Marie or Playa Manzalina. Then you will go to the famous Blue Room, a cave that shines bright blue when the sun hits the water.
A BBQ lunch will be served at Santa Martha Bay before the bus transfer back to your accommodation. Come and enjoy a beautiful adventure and true Caribbean experience in Curaçao!
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$ 110