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Blue Hole Snorkeling, 4×4 safari and Dahab tour from Sharm El Sheikh
Do this because
- Make the most of an exciting trip to the Sinai desert
- Have fun snorkeling and the wonderful nature around you
- Enjoy a delicious Lunch a local restaurant in Dahab facing the Red Sea Coast
- Viaggia fuoristrada a bordo di una jeep 4x4
Cosa aspettarsi
Go on an exciting trip to the Sinai desert. While enjoying a 4x4 ride, you'll have a beautiful panoramic view of the desert until you reach the famous Blue Hole, which is a deep hole in the coral reef located around 30 minutes from Dahab, around 150m wide, and up to 110m deep. The Blue Hole is one of nature’s oddities, and it is in fact a sort of a cave hole or pothole. On your way, you'll pass by an amazing oasis called Wadi Gonai Oasis, where you can take some memorable photos of the virgin fascinating nature. Resume driving towards the Blue Hole. Enjoy snorkeling in the area and make the most of the magic nature around you.
After that, drive back to Dahab City for a delicious seafood lunch at a local restaurant on the Dahab Coast. After lunch, enjoy a relaxing walk on the Dahab promenade and opportunity for shopping .The breeze blowing from the Red Sea onto the coast makes Dahab a center for windsurfers and kite surfers.
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$ 96