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Biglietti per l’acropoli e i musei con tre audiotour
Do this because
- Download three digital audio tours on your phone and discover fascinating stories about the archaeological sites and the museum's collection
- Marvel at the beauty of the Theatre of Dionysus, the Propylaea, the Erechtheion, the temple of Athena Nike and the Parthenon and learn about their hidden treasures
- Gain insight into the life and rituals of ancient Athenians in one of the best-ranked museums in the world
Cosa aspettarsi
Explore the Acropolis Hill and the Acropolis Museum at your own pace thanks to a combination of pre-booked e-tickets and three immersive audio tours which will be directly available on your smartphone.
You'll have the opportunity to choose the time slot you prefer to enter the Acropolis Hill. You'll first explore the south slopes of the Acropolis to discover the Theatre of Dionysus, believed to be the first theatre in the world, as well as the Asklepieion, and you'll gain valuable insights about life in ancient Athens. Then, you'll walk through the imposing walls of the Propylaea and discover an ensemble of grand temples: the temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion and the illustrious Parthenon, home to countless tales about the divine ancestors of the Athenians and the mythical origins of their glorious city.
Follow in the steps of world-famous historical figures, such as Socrates and Pericles, and get valuable insights into the lives of ancient Greeks. During your walk in the archaeological site, you’ll also have the opportunity to unlock the secrets of ancient masonry and witness the unparalleled excellence of Athenian architecture, whereas in the Acropolis Museum, the exhibits will guide you through the engrossing journey of the city’s transition to democracy.
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$ 36