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Visita guidata del villaggio berbero da Mahdia
Do this because
- Explore three Berber villages
- Discover thousands of years old local traditions
- Admire breathtaking panoramic views
Cosa aspettarsi
Heading North from Sousse for this half-day excursion, you'll explore three Berber villages in a row and discover thousands of years old local traditions.
The first stop is Takrouna, an old almost abandoned village eagle-nested on a high hill at 200 m above sea level, with breathtaking panoramic views that embrace the coastal line. Then, the journey goes on to the village of Zriba near Mount Zaghouan, an abandoned Berber village built in the seventeenth century between two rocky peaks and deserted in the 1960s. Finally, you'll stop at the charming cliff-top fishermen’s village of Hergla with its white and blue houses and the Mediterranean as a sumptuous backdrop, before returning back to your hotel.
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$ 61