
Safári particular no Parque Nacional de Udawalawe na região de Bentota

duração Flexible
Do this because
  • Visit the Udawalawe National Park, the best park to spot elephants in Sri Lanka
  • Watch baby elephants being fed at Elephant Transit Home
  • Admire local wildlife such as buffalos, monkeys, deer and crocodiles
O que esperar

If there's one word that defines Sri Lanka, it's ‘wild'. And as home to some 500 elephants, the Udawalawe National Park is considered the best park to spot them in the country. You'll visit the park's Elephant Transit Home to see these gentle giants being fed and then tour the park in a 4x4 vehicle.

Kick off at the Elephant Transit Home, where orphaned baby elephants are cared for after rescue from the wild. You'll arrive at feeding time so you can watch the little ones bottle-feed from a viewing platform just meters away. The park is centered on a huge reservoir. This means it's a great place for spotting elephants, plus the lack of vegetation makes it perfect for other animal-watching, too.

On the safari, you can expect to see buffalo, monkeys, deer and crocodiles. And, if you're lucky, there's also the elusive Sri Lankan leopard to be spotted. To top it off, lunch is included.

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$ 229.29
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