Jolly Roger Pirate Cruise Ticket
As family days out go, it doesn't get more rip-roaring than Jolly Roger pirate cruise. Adventurers young and old will have a barrel of laughs sailing the high seas between Paphos harbour to Ricco's Bay. There'll be plenty of activities to join in on, including limbo dancing and snorkelling as well as pirate favourites like face painting and walking the plank.The buccaneering spirit is evident from the moment you set foot on the Jolly Roger – the kids can get their faces painted with obligatory eye patches and scars included. Then it's time to go plunder the seas. There'll be swim stops and plenty of activities. At Ricco's Bay, you can go snorkelling or try limbo dancing and – if you're brave enough – walk the plank.After all those exertions, it'll be time to gorge on a buffet lunch. And then, to cap off your adventure, the crew will put on a swashbuckling performance. A great day out for the whole family – with lots of activities to keep the kids busy.
Pafos, ChipreDuration upto 4 Hours Available in: En Confirmação Instantânea Cancelamento gratuitofrom: $48.00 -
Cultura e história
Kourion Ruins, Kolossi Castle and Winery Guided Visit
Pafos, ChipreFlexible Available in: En Confirmação Instantânea Cancelamento gratuitofrom: $73.00 -
Cultura e história
Kykkos Monastery and Troodos Mountains Small Group Tour
A viagem até às Montanhas Troodos é uma viagem a outro Chipre. Aldeias rústicas de pedra pontilham vales repletos de pinheiros e os modos de vida tradicionais ainda prevalecem. Esta excursão para pequenos grupos, apenas para adultos, leva você ao coração espiritual das terras altas, o Mosteiro de Kykkos, bem como ao túmulo de Makarios III no topo da colina. Eva, uma de nossas guias locais especializadas, diz: 'As montanhas Troodos são onde encontro minha alma. Há aldeias onde o tempo parou, onde as pessoas ainda se preocupam umas com as outras, onde você entra como convidado e sai como amigo.'Subindo pelas paisagens selvagens das montanhas Troodos, você fará uma parada para um café em uma vila típica. Em seguida, siga para a estrela do show, o belo Mosteiro de Kykkos, situado no topo do Monte Kykkos. O interior é ricamente decorado e você não conseguirá tirar os olhos dos ícones e afrescos. Você ouvirá a lenda de por que seu ícone mais famoso, 'a Garota de Ouro', permanece meio escondido. E você também terá tempo livre para passear pelos jardins e apreciar as vistas panorâmicas das montanhas.Em seguida, visitaremos a Colina Throni e o elaborado túmulo do Arcebispo Makarios III. Vistas soberbas o cumprimentam antes da viagem até a vila de Pedoulas. Aqui, você desfrutará de um almoço típico cipriota feito com ingredientes de origem local em um restaurante familiar. Haverá tempo para uma caminhada opcional até a igreja ortodoxa da Santa Cruz, depois voltaremos com uma parada para fotos no mirante dos Prodromos e um coffee break no caminho.
Pafos, ChipreDuration upto 8 Hours Available in: En Confirmação Instantânea Cancelamento gratuitofrom: $92.00 -
Kyrenia & Bellapais Abbey Tour
Thirty years after the border into the occupied northern part of Cyprus closed, it's once again open to visitors. Oozing with history and culture at every turn, on this full-day trip you'll journey through the hills to Kyrenia for lunch and free time, before a visit to 13th-century Bellapais Abbey for a guided tour. Leaving Paphos behind, you'll travel towards the Ayios Dometios checkpoint, driving past the Venetian Walls of Nicosia. Once we're across the border into occupied northern Cyprus, we'll head straight through the scenic Pentadaktylos Mountains to reach Kyrenia. Here, you'll have some free time to explore the seaside town as well as a guided walk around Kyrenia Castle and lunch at the harbour.Next up is a visit to the ruins of the Gothic Bellapais Abbey. The setting on a mountain slope is as beautiful as the views down to Kyrenia and the Mediterranean. It was in the village of Bellapais that Lawrence Durrell lived and wrote his novel, Bitter Lemons.
Pafos, ChipreFlexible Available in: En Confirmação Instantânea Cancelamento gratuitofrom: $87.00 -
Limassol Old Town Visit
Aninhada entre os exóticos tons azuis do sul do Mediterrâneo e as imponentes Montanhas Troodos, a cidade de Limassol oferece um contraste vivo e pulsante entre o antigo e o novo. Passeie pela cidade velha no seu ritmo, veja todos os pontos turísticos ou relaxe em um café entre as compras, a escolha é sua.
Pafos, ChipreDuration upto 8 Hours Available in: En Confirmação Instantânea Cancelamento gratuitofrom: $24.00 -
Nat Geo Day Tour: Philippos Yiapanis, from Turmoil to Triumph
Philippos Yiapanis, a renowned Cypriot sculptor, was born in Famagusta in what is now the occupied Northern part of Cyprus. His life took a tumultuous turn when he was captured and incarcerated during the Turkish invasion, subsequently becoming a refugee in South Cyprus. His artistry is a manifestation of his deep longing for freedom and a vivid representation of local history. On this tour, you will meet the artist who will lead you on an exclusive visit to his museum where around 140 sculptures are on display. As well as discovering the inspiration behind some of his most powerful works, you'll also find out about the recent history of Cyprus and explore the artist's personal experiences, narrated through his compelling storytelling. On arrival at the Art Nest Museum, Philippos will welcome you personally, providing an insight into his life and work, giving you an understanding of the emotions that underpin his creations. You will then take time to explore the open-air sculpture park, and finish with a peek at the artistic process. A tour of the artist's workshop reveals his techniques for working in bronze, chosen to ensure the longevity of his pieces, to reflect the connection between Cyprus and copper, and to represent his enduring hope for unity in his divided homeland. Round off the experience enjoying on the spot, local cuisine prepared in a nearby village, reflecting on Cyprus's unique fusion of art, history, and culinary tradition.
Pafos, ChipreDuration upto 8 Hours Available in: En Confirmação Instantânea Cancelamento gratuitofrom: $165.00 -
Nat Geo Day Tour: Philippos Yiapanis, from Turmoil to Triumph
Pafos, ChipreDuration upto 8 Hours Available in: En Confirmação Instantânea Cancelamento gratuitofrom: $156.00 -
Nat Geo Day Tour: Two Sides, One Story: Co-Existence in Cyprus
Pafos, ChipreDuration upto 8 Hours Available in: En Confirmação Instantânea Cancelamento gratuitofrom: $124.00 -
Nicosia, a tale of two cities walking tour from Paphos
Discover Nicosia – the world's last divided capital, cross the Green Line into the Turkish-occupied sector and explore the city's unique highlights.
Pafos, ChipreDuration upto 8 Hours Available in: En Confirmação Instantânea Cancelamento gratuitofrom: $38.00 -
North & South Nicosia Walking Tour
As the last divided capital in the world, Nicosia is a fascinating city to explore – offering you a glimpse of two very different worlds. This tour starts in the Cypriot southern sector and crosses the Green Line buffer zone to explore the Turkish-occupied north.
Pafos, ChipreFlexible Available in: En Confirmação Instantânea Cancelamento gratuitofrom: $54.00 -
Ao ar livre
O grand tour safari de jipe de Paphos
Nesta aventura 4x4 on-road/off-road de dia inteiro, você viajará pelas paisagens mais diversas e em rápida mudança de Chipre.
Pafos, ChipreDuration upto 8 Hours Available in: En Confirmação Instantânea Cancelamento gratuitofrom: $90.00 -
Ocean Blue Celebrity Cruise to Blue Lagoon
Um dia no paraíso mediterrâneo aguarda com este cruzeiro de três horas para a icônica Lagoa Azul de Pafos. Saia da cidade portuária de Latchi e você terá bastante tempo para se bronzear enquanto deslizamos ao longo da costa. Então, ancoraremos na lagoa – daremos um mergulho e faremos snorkel em suas águas brilhantes e azul-turquesa, ou sentaremos e tomaremos sol cercados pelo mar.
Pafos, ChipreDuration upto 4 Hours Available in: En Confirmação Instantânea Cancelamento gratuitofrom: $41.00
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