
Guided hike in Araluen botanic park

Validity: Flexible
Do this because
  • Enjoy a guided hike in Araluen botanic park
  • Admire exotic plants species that flourish in the cool microclimate of the Roleystone Perth Hills
  • Hike in the wild forest with a small group of people
What to expect

Araluen Botanic Park is an extraordinary garden in a breathtakingly beautiful bushland setting. Enjoy this opportunity to discover the hidden secrets behind the locked gates of Araluen with a small-group of people along a 4.5 km path. View the circa 1930s log cabins located in each garden precinct and learn about Araluen’s heritage and history.

Your hike begins with a taste of the original and untouched bushlands of Araluen, heading up the hillside before the trail evens out and continues over undulating landscapes to the dam. As you come back into the 14 hectares of developed gardens, you can visit the varying precincts, featuring various exotic plant species that flourish in the cool microclimate of the Roleystone Perth Hills.

Araluen flourishes amongst an undulating native backdrop of Eucalyptus, Marri and Blackbutt Trees, with collections of banksias, grass trees and man ferns amongst flowering blooms.

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$ 38