Dagtrip naar het Griekse Kos vanaf Bodrum

Excursies & Dagtrips

Bodrum, Turkije

from 13 reviews
Gratis annulering
Taal: Engels , Italiaans
Mobiele voucher geaccepteerd
Duur:2 hours
Directe bevestiging
Rondleiding met gids

Doe dit omdat

Bezoek een dag een Grieks eiland
Verken op je gemak Kos, de oude en de nieuwe stad
Zwem en relax op het strand

Wat te verwachten

Aan de overkant van de Turkse wateren ligt het Griekse eiland Kos. Het is bekend om zijn prachtige zandstranden en klassieke oudheidkundigheden. Met de catamaran vaar je naar de hoofdstad Kos-stad, waar je de hele dag voor jezelf hebt.Je raakt gecharmeerd van de stad, waar oud en nieuw naast elkaar bestaan. Snuffel rond in de winkels en boetieks in de straat achter de haven, of nip van je koffie op het plein. Bewonder de grote plataan, het verhaal gaat dat Hippocrates hier 2.400 jaar geleden zijn lessen onder gaf. En vergaap je aan de uitzichten op het fort van de Ridders van de Johannietenorde. Liefhebbers van geschiedenis willen vast het vlakbij gelegen Asklepieion bekijken. Het is één van Griekenlands belangrijkste opgravingen. En aan de marmeren tempels zie je waar 's werelds eerste ziekenhuis stond.Of als je lekker wil chillen, kies uit je één van de stadsstranden. De stranden zijn ideaal om te zonnebaden en te zwemmen, waarna je met de catamaran weer terugvaart. En vergeet niet dat je tijdens deze tour de grenzen tussen Turkije en Griekenland oversteekt - soms met lange veiligheids- en paspoortcontroles - dus je hebt een geldig paspoort of identiteitsbewijs met foto nodig.

Wat is inbegrepen


Wat te onthouden

Let op: deze tour wordt uitgevoerd door een externe leverancier en wordt niet rechtstreeks door TUI uitgevoerd. Transfer is inbegrepen en gasten hebben vrije tijd op Kos
Paspoortcontrole en veiligheidscontroles worden uitgevoerd door de lokale autoriteiten van het land dat je binnenkomt
Je moet in totaal vier keer door de paspoortcontrole om elk land te verlaten en binnen te komen. Er kunnen lange rijen zijn op drukkere tijden, maar de rijen lopen over het algemeen gestaag door
Je hebt je paspoort en e-visum nodig op de dag zelf (e-visum geldt alleen voor degenen die er een nodig hebben om Turkije binnen te komen)
Neem je paspoort of een officieel EU-identiteitskaart mee
Eten en drinken niet inbegrepen
Entree niet inbegrepen




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Based on 13 reviews from verified customers
All ratings (13)

Doug Oliver

September 2023
From Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Traveled as As a couple - 43 years old


We were picked up by a minibus, no Tui staff or any help by Tui. The driver did not speak English, and dropped us at the ferry port. He did not say he would meet us anywhere, so more by luck we found him. The port at Kos was chaos, very badly organised, and not much information given. I do not know what we paid Tui for as the had no involvement on the day with the trip.


July 2023
From Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Traveled as With friends


Ferry system was a shambles. We were waiting in the heat for hours. Ferry didn’t arrive or leave on time either

Sandie Bell

June 2023
From Verenigd Koninkrijk
Traveled as As a couple - 42 years old


It was literally a taxi service to the port. Once at the port left to your own devices. No information regarding return pickup


June 2023
From Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Traveled as As a couple


Apart from the ticket itself tui had no involvement. A mini van picked us up but the driver spoke no english so no one knew what time we had to be back. Passport control was horrible. We were all treated like animals and it took about 7 hours in total to get through both sides. Tui should have more pull


October 2022
From Verenigd Koninkrijk
Traveled as As a couple - 19 years old


The transfer is an old bus with no air conditioning which in times like these isnt ideal due to the spread of droplet diseases. You get to customs stupidly early and have to wait for almost an hour and half before leaving. There is no TUI rep telling you information about times back or ideas of what to do in Kos. Apart from this the trip was good, Kos is beautiful. For food visit kyriakos and for drinks Papas is amazing.


October 2022
From Verenigd Koninkrijk
Traveled as As a couple - 40 years old


Was a lovely trip to Kos but a long day, the passport control was a nightmare with long ques. No-one to give advice or directions

Kos will not except turkish Lira

October 2022
From Verenigd Koninkrijk
Traveled as With friends - 39 years old


Only English travellers that trip, no signage in English to follow. The guide and ques moved so fast had to trust to luck. Lack of general information from Tui on trip details, no reminders on carrying Euros

Mark and jacqui

September 2022
From Verenigd Koninkrijk
Traveled as As a couple


The food could be a little hotter. Breakfast most things like eggs and meat aren't hot.


September 2022
From Verenigd Koninkrijk
Traveled as With family - 17 years old


Pick up was easy, on time and he waited for missing passengers. Dropped off for the boat across earlier then necessary but was organised from bodrum. Only part which was a mess was getting on and off at kos but that was not organised by the excursion. When we arrived back into bodrum we were told the coach number. Very well organised from the excursion pov


July 2022
From Verenigd Koninkrijk
Traveled as With family - 28 years old


Going to a Greek island is always great however coming from Turkey it should be made clear that hiring a car is a must as otherwise not the greatest of experience. I would also liked the bus that transported us to the hotel/port had vice vesa should come right up to the hotel doors rather than the security gate, the bus was also late by 15 minutes. The boat taking us to Kos are did not take card and only took cash, which was annoying otherwise a pleasant ride.


June 2022
From Verenigd Koninkrijk
Traveled as As a couple - 4 years old


Visiting Kos was lovely however TUI did not do a lot - they simply arranged for transport from the hotel and arranged the payments. We still had to queue to get our physical tickets. Would recommend booking through TUI if you don’t want to arrange yourself, otherwise I would suggest arranging yourself as it’s cheaper.


June 2022
From Verenigd Koninkrijk
Traveled as As a couple - 39 years old


Weather was the most enjoyable. The 24hr bar being moved after 2 days to the outside bar furthest from the lobby was my worst experience of the holiday. This was not mentioned until it happened when the announcement went out the bar was closing at 11pm.


June 2022
From Verenigd Koninkrijk
Traveled as As a couple - 2 years old


was a great day out, quite well organised getting on and off the boat. was slightly worried about the transfer there as there was no warning it would be late. also very confusing of what bus to get back into after arriving back in bodrum - no number or hotel listed to link you to the coach. overall a lovely trip

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