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Barcelona’s private tour of La Sombra del Viento
Do this because
- Experience Barcelona through "La Sombra del Viento"
- Become your very own protagonist and enjoy Barcelona's iconic landmarks
- Enjoy iconic landmarks such as calle Santa Ana, el Arco del Teatro, la Plaza Real, Las Ramblas
Qué te espera
Get ready to embark on a unique one-of-kind experience and explore a magical side of Barcelona, the city described by "La Sombra del Viento" captivating millions of readers around the world. Any book can be read, but it's rare to find one that can be lived and embraced! This 2.5-hour private tour will let walk in the footsteps and recount the story of the novel. Relive the stories of Daniel Sempere, Julian Carax and Fermín Romero de Torres, passing through a labyrinth of intrigue and mysteries merged in an awesome and exciting itinerary, packed with enchantment and romance, with Barcelona as its magical backdrop. Become your very own protagonist and enjoy Barcelona's iconic landmarks such as calle Santa Ana, el Arco del Teatro, la Plaza Real, Las Ramblas, La Plaza Sant Felip Neri and la calle Montcada . This is a unique opportunity to turn fiction into reality!
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$ 15