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Wave Dancer sunshine luxury cruise from Paphos
Do this because
- Discover Coral Bay, sea caves and St. George island
- Enjoy stops for swimming, snorkeling and kayaking
- Relax on guaranteed sun-loungers for adults only
- Savor a delicious BBQ lunch served on the top deck
Qué te espera
Soak up the coastline of western Cyprus from a luxury cruise vessel. You'll take in the reefs of Coral Bay and its nearby sea caves, George Island and the beautiful nature reserve of Akamas peninsula – with all-inclusive drinks, sea swimming, snorkelling, kayaking and live entertainment.
Board your luxury boat, Wave Dancer, in Paphos and cruise westward across the shimmering sea. Explore Coral Bay and the renowned sea caves. Let the crew prepare your BBQ lunch as you take your first swimming or snorkelling stop, before journeying further up the coast to the nature reserve of Akamas peninsula – commonly known as Turtle Bay because of its abundance of sea turtles.
There's a second swimming and kayaking stop, but you might prefer to soak up the rays on a wooden sun lounger on the roomy deck. Or enjoy the family entertainment in the fully air-conditioned interior, relaxing with the complimentary local drinks, which are served up by the friendly crew before heading back to the harbor.
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$ 75