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Entradas al parque acuático Water Village con traslado.
Do this because
- Have fun with all the family at Zante Water Village
- Enjoy numerous water slides, aqua spray games, and more
- Relax with plenty of facilities and try a 25-meter high mat racer
Qué te espera
Enjoy an action-packed day out for all the family in the Water Village!
You'll be picked up from your resort and taken to the Waterpark in Sarakinado, which is Zante's biggest water park occupying 30000 square meters of land. Here you'll have a fun-filled day out enjoying all the rides, slides, and facilities.
In the water park, you'll find three octopus slides, aqua spray games, kiddies slides, the Slippery Rabbit, the Boomer Bowl, a 300-meter long lazy river, and the Black Hole to name but a few, including an 800-meter-squared reception pool. The newest attractions include the 25-meter high mat racer and the Freefall Plus.
You will eventually be picked up around 16.15 in the afternoon to be transferred back to your resort.
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$ 40